# AmountMath

AmountMath methods

Depositing and withdrawing assets from a purse and manipulating payment amounts all require adding and subtracting digital assets. ERTP uses the AmountMath library for all these operations.

The AmountMath library functions work for both fungible and nonfungible tokens. There are two AssetKinds, each of which implements the same methods. Which kind is used for a particular brand depends on what was specified when the brand and its issuer were created. They are:

  • AssetKind.NAT ("nat"): Used with fungible assets. Values are natural numbers using the JavaScript BigInt (opens new window) type to avoid overflow risks from using the usual JavaScript Number type.
  • AssetKind.SET ("set"): Used with non-fungible assets. Values are copyArrays such as hardened arrays of strings.

# AmountMath Methods

The following is a brief description and example of each AmountMath method. For more detail, click the method's name to go to its entry in the ERTP API Reference.

Note that many methods have a brand argument, either required or optional. Where optional, use the brand you got from an issuer (or from Zoe) to add verification that the brand of "amount" argument(s) corresponds with that brand.

  • Information Getting Methods
    • AmountMath.getValue(brand, amount)
      • Returns the value of the amount argument. For fungible assets, this will be a BigInt.
      • const { brand: quatloosBrand } = makeIssuerKit('quatloos');
        const quatloos123 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 123n);
        // returns 123
        const value = AmountMath.getValue(quatloosBrand, quatloos123);
  • Comparison Methods
    • AmountMath.isEmpty(amount, brand?)
      • Returns true if its amount argument is empty, otherwise false. Throws an error if the optional brand argument isn't the same as the amount argument brand.
      • const { brand: quatloosBrand } = makeIssuerKit('quatloos');
        const empty = AmountMath.makeEmpty(quatloosBrand, AssetKind.NAT);
        const quatloos1 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 1n);
        // returns true
        // returns false
    • AmountMath.isGTE(leftAmount, rightAmount, brand?)
      • Returns true if the leftAmount argument is greater than or equal to the rightAmount argument, otherwise false. Throws an error if the optional brand argument isn't the same as the amount arguments brands.
      • const { brand: quatloosBrand } = makeIssuerKit('quatloos');
        const empty = AmountMath.makeEmpty(quatloosBrand, AssetKind.NAT);
        const quatloos1 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 1n);
        // Returns true
        AmountMath.isGTE(quatloos1, empty);
        // Returns false
        AmountMath.isGTE(empty, quatloos1);
    • AmountMath.isEqual(leftAmount, rightAmount, brand?)
      • Returns true if the leftAmount argument equals the rightAmount argument. Throws an error if the optional brand argument isn't the same as the amount arguments brands.
      • const { brand: quatloosBrand } = makeIssuerKit('quatloos');
        const empty = AmountMath.makeEmpty(quatloosBrand, AssetKind.NAT);
        const quatloos1 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 1n);
        const anotherQuatloos1 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 1n);
        // Returns true
        AmountMath.isEqual(quatloos1, anotherQuatloos1);
        // Returns false
        AmountMath.isEqual(empty, quatloos1);
    • AmountMath.coerce(brand, allegedAmount)
      • Takes an amount and returns it if it's a valid amount. If invalid, it throws an error.
      • const { brand: quatloosBrand } = makeIssuerKit('quatloos');
        const quatloos50 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 50n);
        AmountMath.coerce(quatloosBrand, quatloos50); // equal to quatloos50
  • Manipulator Methods
    • AmountMath.add(leftAmount, rightAmount, brand?)
      • Returns an amount that is the union of the leftAmount and rightAmount amount arguments. For a fungible amount, this means add their values. For a non-fungible amount, it usually means including all elements from both leftAmount and rightAmount. Throws an error if the optional brand argument isn't the same as the amount arguments brands.
      • const { brand: myItemsBrand } = makeIssuerKit('myItems', 'set');
        const listAmountA = AmountMath.make(myItemsBrand, harden(['1', '2', '4']));
        const listAmountB = AmountMath.make(myItemsBrand, harden(['3']));
        // Returns an amount containing all of ['1', '2', '4', '3']
        const combinedList = AmountMath.add(listAmountA, listAmountB);
    • AmountMath.subtract(leftAmount, rightAmount, brand?)
      • Returns a new amount that is the leftAmount argument minus the rightAmount argument (i.e., for strings or objects everything in leftAmount not in rightAmount). If leftAmount doesn't include the contents of rightAmount, it throws an error. It also throws an error if the optional brand argument isn't the same as the amount arguments brands.
      • const { brand: myItemsBrand } = makeIssuerKit('myItems', 'set');
        const listAmountA = AmountMath.make(myItemsBrand, harden(['1', '2', '4']));
        const listAmountB = AmountMath.make(myItemsBrand, harden(['3']));
        const listAmountC = AmountMath.make(myItemsBrand, harden(['2']));
        // Returns ['1', '4']
        const subtractedList = AmountMath.subtract(listAmountA, listAmountC);
        // Throws error
        t.throws(() => AmountMath.subtract(listAmountA, listAmountB), {
          message: /right element .* was not in left/,
  • Amount Creation Methods
    • AmountMath.make(brand, allegedValue)
      • Takes a value argument and returns an amount by making a record with the value and the brand associated with the AmountMath. The value argument should be represented as a BigInt e.g. 10n rather than 10.
      • const { brand: quatloosBrand } = makeIssuerKit('quatloos');
        /// An `amount` with `value` = 837 and `brand` = Quatloos
        const quatloos837 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 837n);
        const anotherQuatloos837 = harden({ brand: quatloosBrand, value: 837n });
        t.deepEqual(quatloos837, anotherQuatloos837);
    • AmountMath.makeEmpty(brand, assetKind)
      • Returns an amount representing an empty amount, which is the identity element for the AmountMath add() and subtract() operations. Note that this value varies depending on the brand and whether it is of kind AssetKind.NAT or AssetKind.SET.
      • const { brand: quatloosBrand } = makeIssuerKit('quatloos');
        // Returns an empty amount for this issuer.
        // Since this is a fungible amount it returns 0
        const empty = AmountMath.makeEmpty(quatloosBrand, AssetKind.NAT);
    • AmountMath.makeEmptyFromAmount(amount)
      • Returns an amount representing an empty amount, using another amount as the template for the new empty amount's brand and assetKind.
      • const { brand: quatloosBrand } = makeIssuerKit('quatloos');
        // Returns an empty amount for this issuer.
        // Since this is a fungible amount it returns 0
        const empty = AmountMath.makeEmpty(quatloosBrand, AssetKind.NAT);
        // quatloosAmount837 = { value: 837n, brand: quatloos }
        const quatloosAmount837 = AmountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 837n);
        // Returns an amount = { value: 0n, brand: quatloos }
        const quatloosAmount0 = AmountMath.makeEmptyFromAmount(quatloosAmount837);

# Methods On Other Objects

These methods return an AssetKind:

  • anIssuer.getAssetKind()
    • Returns the AssetKind of the issuer's brand. (AssetKind.NAT or AssetKind.SET).
    •   const myAssetKind = quatloosIssuer.getAssetKind();
  • zcf.getAssetKind(brand)
    • Returns the AssetKind of the brand argument.
    •   const quatloosAssetKind = zcf.getAssetKind(quatloosBrand);